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Climbing onto Vadim, Billy grinds his ass onto his stiff cock, stopping to make out, kissing him tenderly. Getting to work servicing his stiff cock, Billy's expert hands and lips gliding over Vadim's engorged shaft. Surprised and nervous, Vadim is comforted and told by Billy to lean back and relax. Preparing him slowly but surely for the grand finale, he rubs his abs lower and lower, before pulling the towel off him, exposing his stiff cock. Surprised, he's soon having his smooth six pack stroked by expert hands. Billy's first task is to put Vadim Black's mind at ease, slowly rubbing his powerful hands over Vadim's toned back.Admitting that he's never felt the touch of a man, Vadim concedes that the firm touch is very nice.Stroking higher and higher on his legs, Billy soon asks Vadim to turn over.

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Billy Santoro & Vadim Black in Gay Massage House 4, Scene 01 - IconMale, Billy Santoro is a massage therapist who specializes in helping closeted gay men come to terms with their anxiety.

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